DREAAM Partners
Without the dedicated support of program partners, we could not make a life changing impact on our DREAAMers. Thanks to the support and contributions of our partners, we are able to provide education and resources to underprivileged children and communities and make a positive impact on the lives of many.
We greatly value our program partners; many thanks to all those who have helped! If your organization or your congregation would like to learn more about how
to support us, please contact Mr. Tracy at (217) 600-9320 or tracy@dreaam.org.
Stories of Partnership
UniPlace Church and McKinley Presbyterian Church
Opened its doors to house the DREAAM Big! Program.
Parkland College
Provided in-kind space for the 2018 Summer Jumpstart Program.
Champaign Unit #4 School District and Rantoul City Schools #137
Supported us with in-kind after-school space, summer meals, and bus transportation for two years.
First Presbyterian Church of Champaign
Stepped up with seed funding, van transportation, volunteers, office space, and so much more!
Windsor Road Christian Church
Sponsored a Boys to Men Campout for families for three years in the past.
Provided funding and volunteer support from the beginning of this journey. ​​