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It Starts With YOU!

DREAAM's Dream Big! Summer Program started this week, and as you can imagine, the beauty of our DREAAMers shined through on Day 1! We'll have many upon many fun and inspiring stories that will come out of these next few weeks, but we have a beautiful and powerful one to share with you from our first week.

To kick off our summer session, our DREAAMers started creating an "About Me" art piece. These photos show our DREAAMers having an emotional moment as they spoke life-giving affirmations to themselves in a mirror.

As one of the boys started saying his affirmations to himself in the mirror, he started crying. When our staff member asked him to share his feelings, he said, "This is hard because I never hear positive affirmations about me. This is the first time I've spoken affirmations to myself."

This moment immediately blessed our staff member. When he shared this moment with the rest of the staff, it blessed us all. And we hope by sharing it with you, you will be blessed by this beautiful moment.

Truly, it starts with you. Speak positive, life-giving affirmations to yourself. You are worthy. You are beautiful. You are amazing... And you can change the world. Believe in yourself and see where life can take you!


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